...Letter to him...
I finally realized today that suddenly, luckily I have been able to let you go. I was so blinded by trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, that I never saw what was so clearly in front of me for so long. What the hell were you thinking? How far were you going to push things, how much did you think you could get away with and have me still love you in the end? Well you did a wonderful job, bravo you played me perfectly. You win congratulations if that was what you were after. But sadly I’m out of the game. There will be times where I will miss you, what we were in the past, but I know I deserve a lot better than this. And I think that you know I deserve better too. I quit while I still have my dignity strongly in tact.
For the past couple months since I’ve known about your time with Kitty, and after the way you have treated me, it’s no longer worth much to me. I suggest that if you are not happy with what you are left with, you take a long hard look at yourself and do differently if you get such a chance with someone else.
I really do wish you well, but it’s just none of my concern anymore. It would be silly of me to continue hoping for any change. The only thing that ever changed was me, and what I would put up or tolerate next, and this is no longer tolerable.
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