Tuesday, January 11, 2005

...My Mother, the Menopause Monster...

The next time my mother misses the point of a story because she has taken some tiny, obscure little detail from the middle of the story and blown it out of proportion, Im going to scream. She misses the whole point, sometimes we never get to the point because she has interrupted and gone off on some little think that has nothing to do with the point of the story!!!

Example #1:
Point of the story= Erin had to pay to get her car out of tow because of Robs irresponsibility.
Expected normal response= "Oh poor Erin, she is making Rob pay her back right?"
Menopause Monster response= (interrupted in mid story) "Why was Erins car parked in Robs parking lot?"

Example #2:
Point of the story= I bought a shampoo that I really like, and it makes my hair feel great.
Expected normal response= "Oh thats great, you're hair does look good."
Menopause Monster response= (interrupted mis story) "You're sure that shampoo wont take the color out of your hair because I paid a lot of money for you to have that done"

Example #3
Point of the story= (While watching a movie with the actress Maggie Gyllenhaal)Theres a movie with that actress that I like called The Secretary. Her character has just been released from a mental hospital is still self destructive and even cuts herself for punishment but in the end she finds someone who is just like her in some ways, and she finds her self worth and falls in love.
Expected normal response= "Yes I enjoy that actress in many of the movies I have seen also, that movie sounds interesting"
Menopause Monster response= (interrupted mid story)"why does she cut herself, I dont understand that. I could never watch a movie about someone cutting themselves all the time"

You can see where the story goes from there, we talk/ argue about her mm response and then probably a couple more times we get hung up on another non-important fragment before finally getting to the point of the story. But by the time we get to the point, it has lost its meaning. It Is Maddening! Its gotten to the point where I just dont even want to tell her anything anymore, in order to escape the wrath of her anger at tiny meaningless details. If Im ever like that please kill me.


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